Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is Your Soul Purpose??

Recently I attended a workshop on Awakening your Soul Purpose. While I was there in part as a facilitator, I was also attending as a participant to get a better understanding of the process. At the end of the workshop the facilitator bounced around the room seeking the answer to the question, Who are you? And the participants eagerly offered up their powerful statements of soul purpose—why they are here and what they are here to do in the world.

One ten year old boy stood up in a room full of adults and shared that his soul purpose, “I am a powerful being of light, here to uplift and inspire others…” He went on to share how at school, if someone teases him, he simply remembers who he really is and thinks, “How can that be true? I am a powerful being of light….”

As I listened, I couldn’t help but wonder how awesome it would be if the whole world were equipped with a deep knowing of who we are, and why we are here. Can you imagine when you were enduring the trials and tribulations of being a teenager, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt who you are? How differently our lives would have been!

It is said that in Africa, in a certain tribe, when a woman is pregnant she and her friends gather to pray and listen for the song of the child. They recognize that every soul has its own vibration and as they listen, they discover the unborn child’s personal song. As the child grows up, the villagers sing the song to the child to remind him or her of who they really are. When someone does something wrong, the whole village gathers around them and sings them their soul song to get them back on track. They realize that when someone really knows/remembers their soul purpose, they behave very differently than when they forget. Simply punishing them merely reinforces the memory lapse. Instead, they sing the song to fill the person with love and reconnect them with the truth. The village takes responsibility for helping each other remember who they really are.

Have you ever stopped to wonder what your soul purpose is? If not, I encourage you to take a deeper look. What are your passions? What are your roles? What are your gifts and talents? What are your interests? What do you love? As my friend and mentor Joel Roberts says, What has your life been a perfect laboratory for? What themes do you see in the course of your life?

One of our homework assignments was to send an email to 20 people asking them to reflect to us what they saw in us, what they thought our talents and gifts were, what they felt we were here to do. This was a powerful experience as emails came in from long time friends, new friends, family, clients, and associates sharing what they saw. I encourage everyone to do this exercise. If it seems scary to you, it may be a sign that you need to realign with your soul purpose. Perhaps it is time to go into silence and listen for the song of your soul to be revealed—or replayed, so that you know that what others see is exactly what you are authentically sending out to the world. (If you have an interest in a Soul Purpose workshop, let me know!)

By all means, when you figure it out, tell the ones who love you about your soul purpose mission so that if you fall off the path, or your soul goes back to sleep, your “village” can sing to you and wake you back up to your mission.

So…it only seems fitting that I share with you mine, just in case:
“I am a protector of love and an instrument of peace. As I authentically walk my heart path, I guide others to unleash the wisdom of their own spirits. The Divine is the destination, and the journey. Compassion lights the way.”
With aloha

Intellectual Foreplay Question of the Week: Who are you?

Love Tip of the Week: When you think you are a sinner, it is natural to sin. When you know you are divine, sinning is totally unnatural. Align your words, thoughts and actions with the truth of your spirit.

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